
Hello and welcome to "Basic Self Defense."

I will be briefly talking about the methods that I have learned over the year's to help you defend yourself in critical situation's. These methods where taught to me by instructors that have been certified in "The use of Force".
As many site's out there state, you do not have to be a big hulking mass or a Martial arts master to fend off the largest of potential attackers, you just need the right mind set and the proper know-how.

Viewers mistaken fighting for defense in may cases. In this blog I want to clarify that you are not trying to "fight" but defend against fighting.
Many people focus on is the "Hollywood" style of attacking a target, this is fine if you want to show off and vent some anger (not at people), but in these films the combatants are ether KO'ed or they beat the living daylights out of each other for 5 to 12 minutes. This image that many fight movies and media is simply not realistic (watch a UFC match, these are trained mixed martial artists - the rounds are only 5 minutes or so).
If anyone has been or seen a real street fight between two regular every day people, they can tell you that the battle only lasts for a few seconds (time seems to slow), simply because most people do not train to become fighters, so the body does not have the endurence to keep going (there are special cases). Hense the natural instinct is to "knock-out" the opponent as fast as possible.

State of mind - Self Defense

Take a bit of time to do research on what items, if any can be used for personal protection. In some countries it is legal to carry a concealed weapon and in other countries there may be strict restrictions, so be sure to check your own area's regulations before you head out with sidearms running threw your jacket.
I reside in Canada, so the rules here are a little different then what you may be use to in other countries. In Canada it is illegal to carry any type of weapon for self defense purposes. So knives, mace, teasers, and guns are off the list for personal protection. I will be focusing on unarmed defense tactics as well as some ordinary everyday items that one may carry on a typical work day.

(*TIP*) The definition of a weapon can be anything from a set of keys to a hunting knife - it depends on how you describe the use of the item and why you have the item with you, basically; a butter knife is utility used to spread butter...Amazing!...silly I know, but in the same scenario say you use that same butter knife to stab someone in self defense...and you state "it's my organ hole puncher!" or even "I keep it for self defense" now it is not consider a butter knife anymore, it's a weapon used in an assault causing bodily harm.
So to cover our own behinds, keep your descriptions to exactly what the utilities are used for. (I bring a butter knife to work because my work place only has the plastic knives, and I like to cut big chunks of frozen butter on my toast.) I'm not saying lie, in most cases just tell the truth.

(*warning!* - if you practice any of these methods keep your fingernails clean and cut short as they can cause infection, always use caution and use at your own risk.)

*Feel free to add any of your own types of self defense methods or comment about any of the techniques that I will be showing you, what worked and what was'nt effective.*

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